I hope you pardon my tardiness with this post.
There are several important and unexpected things to report for this week:
1) I feel as though I have finally earned the right to use college ruled paper.
2) My roommate drank a gallon of milk in two days.
3) My hot pink shoes are in the mail. boo yeah grandma.
But on an equally serious note, I love college. Like for real.
To quote Relient K “Someone please save us. Us college kids.”
but nope. not me.
I mean, sure, they don’t supply nearly enough cards for Saturday night bingo and we spend our life savings on laundry. You know what they say though, mo money mo problems.
For starters, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I love all my classes.
I just added an extra night class and I could not be more excited.
Plus, there is a dance party in the lounge every night at fourteen minutes till ten. Woot woot!
To catch you up on some other Whitworth happenings, last night was
Stewart lawn dance!
For you Prescottonians, it was basically like a rave except with less glow sticks and perspiration.
This is the before shot of some of the Duvall hunnies.

Afterwards I played “puno” in the lounge and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with a couple of my new friends, Mary and Emily. It really satisfied our tummy.
-I made a new friend when we both showed up to the same class that we both have a month from now. oopsies. It’s not surprising if you think about it.
-My podmates and I are really proud of the brand new non-generic brand of toilet paper we found in the outside the Fred Meyer’s parking lot.
- I keep forgetting to eat meals. It throws my internal and external stomach out of wack. Ask anyone.
-Doing laundry is much better when you’re at college because there are many more laundry songs involved. And while you’re waiting, you can play the piano. Playing 'The Office’ duet makes Emily and I giddy.
But, sometimes, we just have to take a step back and remember the days before we were sophisticated college women:

That’s pretty much all I can remember from the past week. Oh, except did I mention the great people I have met? I can tell it’s going to be a great four years. For now, it’s the weekend here at Whitworth. The sun is shining. The tank is clean. You could say we’re on a sabbatical of sorts. Problem is, as it turns out, there is homework in college.
So, I’m going to pull a Nike and just do it.
And by that I mean my homework.
Unfortunately for me, I’m already getting sick. They say laughter is the best medicine. False.
By laughter they must mean iron vitamins and cough drops. It’s all relative if you think about it.
Keep it Real
Sara Nicole
p.s. It’s not like we’re trying to sleep or anything. Really, we’re just shooting the breeze down here. Sometimes, I just wish the people that reside in the room directly above us would invite us to run on their indoor track or do gainers onto their bedroom floor. How did they even get that high dive into their dorm room?
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