This weekend I went camping in the Northern Cascades with eight other Whitworthians.

{this photo courtesy of alina}
We had nicknames like Jiffy Pop, Wilder Woman, Jay Tay, Twisp, and Pretzel Whore.
Although, it may be too early to start using them in real life. Never stopped me.

It was more than exciting to actually leave campus and see some of the city that I live in.
We learned that people do exist other than college students and professors.
Oh, and it was really pretty and stuff.
I think the most important thing to take away is that, in general, bread on people is, like, funny.
It was strange to be pull back into the Whitworth parking lot and be “home.”
But, a good strange. It feels like home here more and more everyday.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Duvall had a nice time at their pod party.
And there is laundry to be spun, homework to be done and "virgin pinecones" to outrun.
Keep it Real
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