It’s a spark of possibility. It’s a glimmer of hope. It’s a preconceived notion of the future that evolved deliberately into a divine destiny. It’s the methodical belief that you somehow deserve more and better. It’s the half-hearted words they told you when you graduated high school-- that the world is in your hands and that you can do anything you set your mind to. If you focus hard enough and concentrate enough energy to this single cause, it will be enough. It is the way your life SHOULD go, as long as you fight for it. What had only begun as a feeling grew into a hope and a murmered thought. As the thought grew louder and louder it turned into a battle cry. You thought you were invincible. You thought you were immune to circumstance. They must have lied to you. Why else, then, would you be here coping with the pangs of regret? At one point, anything less would have been the end of life itself, leaving you to lie emotionless as the world spins madly on. Yet, here you are. It was the hope you fought for and clung to throughout even the invisible restraints of reality and the trials of adversity. It was supposed to be your source of happiness, a representation of beauty and an epitome of perfection. All the world, even God, would follow suit...A beautiful letdown. As you inhabit the clocks of time and reality of the world, expectations are stripped away and you settle for what seems like less and less. You never saw it happening, but now you have somehow surrendered. Somehow, you have let go. And somehow, there is beauty through pain. It’s not in vain. You’re not defeated. In fact, through it all, it is somehow better this way. The life ahead is far far greater ahead than any expectation left behind.

2 Corinthians 4:18
Keep it Real
Sara Nicole
this is...breathtaking.