Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ten Miles till Tomorrow

This is what summer should be about-- spending time with the people that mean the most. When you are young, it seems your whole world revolves around friendships. The people who you surround yourself with have so much influence on your identity. It’s as if your primary focus is shaping the person you are rather than the person you should become. Friendships are everything. They consume every aspect of your life. When a person enters the world of adulthood, it seems everything is about practicality and attaining goals-- preparing for the future rather than living in the moment. Your focus shifts. Priorities change, and you spend less time doing pointless activites just for the sake of it. It’s a pattern that every person subconsciously follows but seldom acknowledges. It’s as if these last few weeks of summer are really the last chance I have to be in that childhood lifestyle. Or at the very least, it’s the last chance I have to be surrounded by the same circle of people I have grown so accustomed to. It seems like I am saying goodbye to a someone almost everyday. Of course, distance is the best true test of friendship. Meaningful friendships extend far beyond great moments and memories. And just like anything meaningful in life, great friendships are things you surely will hold tightly.
To be honest, great friends are really what is getting me through this summer. It seems like my days have been filled with constant frustration and discouragement and I feel so incredibly at peace with everything that is going on in my life. I am confident that at any other point in my life I could not have felt the same.
“ I know what I need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to be content in any and every situation.
-Phil. 4:12
That verse has taken on so much meaning for me in so many ways.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

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