Thursday, October 28, 2010

Absolutely 45th Street

This morning I went outside and said.

Hello Mr. Fall, it’s nice to meet you.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

A Strongly Worded Picture

Cara Verhaeghe.
Today is your birthday.
Nineteen years ago.
You emerged into the world.
And we are glad you did.

This is you. Eating the brownies that Emily and I made you.
We did not steal any Vegetable oil from the dorm next door.
Then disappear into the night.

You doll. I hope these words are worth a thousand pictures.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It can’t crinkle if it doesn’t wrinkle.

Some people have told me I need to update this puppy.
Strictly metaphorically speaking, of course.
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
So it’s pretty gross how obsessed they are.
But not really. Mostly, just Cara said that.
I will give you the Sparknotes version of today.

Chapter 1:
Can I say how much I love frisbee?
Of course I can, it’s my blog.
There’s nothing better than prancing around the rain and the mud with your 12 best friends.
and the referee. when he feels bad for our lack of skills.
To be fair, the other team had matching uniforms and synchronized warm-ups.

Chapter 2:
Apparently, Cara was going to “train” me for her psychology class. Like without telling me.
“I didn’t get the papers in on time,” she says.
I laughed so hard I almost fell off my bed.
Because, oh boy, it’s funny.
But don’t worry because I have been secretly training her behind her back.

Chapter 3:
I just saw a lady walking out of Weyerhauser hall wearing the sweatshirt I left at the gym the other day. It has my name on the sleeve. So, jokes on her.

Chapter 4:
Middle of the night tribal dances are a must.
This is us:
Chapter 5:

I found some ninja. ninjis? ninja.

I love the Whitworth.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Monday, October 18, 2010

I rarely throw fistfuls of glitter in the air.

Hello Clarice.
There’s a chill in the air. Symbolic? I think yes.
But really, it’s cold here.

I can’t really remember the events of the past week.
No, no this will be a stream of consciousness kind of post.

‘bout a week ago Cara and I made the commute into town to watch some volleyball.
A man dressed up as a gorilla sat next to us. Or maybe he was Sasquatch.
You can never tell these days.

Emily bought a pink wig. For kicks and gigs. And got kicked out of a bar with her 80-year-old grandparents. So the rumor goes...

Psychology lesson of the day: Babies are more likely to shock puppies for points than adults. My opinion on this: Points are points. Get them any way you can.

My Younglife class is still the greatest thing ever.

I have still yet to track down the lady I saw wearing my tennis sweatshirt.

FAKE OUT MAKE OUT. but not really.

I saw both my parents for different occasions.
My dad walked 8 miles from his hotel to take me to dinner when he had a Spokane overnight.
He thought it was much closer. Oh Jim.
This past weekend was parents weekend.
Which means they overwater the lawns and serve the fancy kind of hummus. But not really.
That’s just what they said on Gilmore Girls once.

On Friday my mom and sister and I saw a production of Once Upon A Mattress.
And Saturday mom and I painted the town in downtown Spokanistan. Spokompton? Spokane.

She treated me to some Paul Fleming Chang’s and redecorated our entire common room.
She’s your regular Emily Gilmore. That’s all there is to it.
Unless it’s not.
Plus I am fully stocked on banana chips now. so win win win.

But really, I owe a lot to my parents.
Especially my mother and father.

I saw these deer.

I tried to talk to them. They didn’t play. Maybe they were tired.

And as far as the events of room 304B:
The past week we invented lots of games. It was an accident.
But then, it was also an accident when I cut my gashed my knee playing ultimate spoons.
Sorry for interrupting, I’m talking about games.

Hi, my name is Cara, and I like to throw the boy-wooing-bubbles at my roommate, who already has two other bruises on her face.
And as punishment, Sara gets to translate all my phone conversations to Spanish for two weeks.

Oh, and meandering over to the HUB for free concerts.
But mostly imitating the awkward dances of everyone else who is trying to enjoy the music just the right amount.

Oh and the best game of all,
It happened something like this.
You have to know.
I crack myself up everytime I talk.
And everytime I don’t.
This evening is no exception.
So, I was updating all my stalkers with their dose of the "Turquoise Chandelier.”
And I stumbled upon the fact that my fancy computer can read aloud everything I type.
One thing lead to another.
And my computer was telling this to Cara:

Hello Caira. I stop the world and melt with you. Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air? Rumplstiltskin. Caira is a willy kitty. When I can’t talk on Wednesday I am going to use this to communicate. It will be great and fantastic. And I think you are great and fun and nice. Do you know the crepe man, this is so much fun Caira. No I am doing it Wednesday. Aohhhh hello. Care Bear Hair Dare. Cher. Share.
Paco Peco Chico Rico
Insolto de Modo Loco.
A su tio Federico
Paco Peco
Poco a Poco
Poco Pico

Just wait till Emily comes back from the practice room and I prop the computer outside her door.
Her reaction will be something like this:

Plus, I found my new way to communicate when I have to be a monk for 24 hours on Wednesday.

Like I said though, we’re not all fun and games. Let me enlighten you...

You know things are getting bad dancing to Pink in our bedroom is the most hilarious thing that happens all day and I take pride in getting the weekly riddle correct on the bathroom door.

Oh, Nickroley poo. This is for you. And only you.

Pilates starts next week. Look out world.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

High on Stilts

Says Cara to me 10 minutes ago: Are you going to like blog about this now?
Me: NOO! I don’t blog about everything in my life CARA!

So I am not going to tell you about the European Heritage night we just attended.
Or the Sweedish game where you throw large sticks at large blocks.
I am bomb at the Sweedish stick game.
One more of the thousands of skills I have that no one will ever need ever.

I mean sure we don’t know anything more about Europe.
But my writing professor told me the other day that Sara is the most common name at Whitworth.
And I can’t just be another number.

Silly, Cara. She doesn’t know anything.

Sara Nicole

Monday, October 11, 2010

More than algebra and folk songs.

Sometimes in life, weekends are great.
Like this one for instance.

It began with a bike ride into the city with a good buddy.
We treated ourselves to some World Market, smoothies and good conversation.
And stumbled upon this sunset.

If that doesn’t look fantastic, I know what does.
The fuji apples I bought at Greenbluff’s farm this weekend. mmmm honey.

It also included some of this:

and this:

and lots of other important things I can’t remember.

Then later, my freshman seminar had us all over for "fall food” and games.
What could be better than a vicious game of catch phrase with 12 of your closest friends?
And by closest friends I mean one of my floormates and some other people I kind of know.

Oh and I rearranged the room already.

Now I have a nook. I’ll leave you with that.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Sunday, October 10, 2010

No, you’re a willy chicken

There are two important and unexpected developments from the past ten minutes:

1. I have coined the nickname “Indian braid hair” for Cherise.
2. Cara is trying to print a test and her printer is instead printing pairs of pears.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just Call Me Lydia

Tensions are running high in Duvall right now.
Men have fallen. I don’t know how many more will make it through the night.
No one can be trusted.
Basically, we are playing this dorm-wide game where we are given a target to assisinate with a squirt gun within 24 hours.
For every person you assasinate, you get someone’s old target until you are the last one standing.
I was doing so well. I thought I made it to the next day.
Until I got taken down 10 minutes before the deadline of the first day.
Walking out of the bathroom.
Rookie mistake.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, excelling in college is much more difficult than in high school.
But then I remembered that:

And everything was okay again.

So remember those words of wisdom
The next time you have a lot to get done.
Or your inborn rights to a dry face.
Are desecrated in your very own bathroom doorway.

Anyway, I have an exciting weekend ahead.
I just need to fake my way through two classes and I’m as good as gold.

I have a lot more important and clever things to say.
But Cara and I need to watch friends.
She just walked in the room.
Wearing her Moses blanket.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Monday, October 4, 2010

You go, Glenn Cocoa!

If you were to ask me if I felt bad about how long it’s been since I have updated you on my life,
The answer would be no. I only feel a little bad.
I’ve had classes to attend, essays to write and episodes of Friends to watch.
Oh, and Kristin (neighbor) learned how to say pilot in Spanish
I wasn’t impressed. I had faith in her all along.

This past weekend I teamed up with some Warren girls to find a regular church to attend.
We stumbled upon a quaint little service where the pastor liked to lead us in a chorus of Disney music, make us fill out note sheets, get really angry and snap his fingers and say things like ‘hey you, eyes on me!’
And hey now, there isn’t anything wrong with that.
But lucky for us, we had a good laugh out of the ordeal.

Can you believe I’ve already been here over a month?! I can!
Can you say more Monday night pilates?! I can!

This translates to Emily and I dressing in 80’s attire and prancing around for the rest of the night in our outfits.

{You like that Jenna Osbourne?}

We felt like we were 12 walking out to the HUB get our Coco Puffs in our pigtails.
We are in fact 19.

Which brings me to my next point:
Jubiliation Jazz!
I’ve started a Monday night jazz class. It reminds me of how much I miss dance.
Whitworth is like all of my favorite things wrapped up into one location.
Did I mention I love it here?

I mean, say what you will about Whitworth.
You might think we’re all fun and games.
But it’s when you get notices like this in your student mailbox:

{One night of heavy drinking can impair your ability to thinks abstractly for up to thirty days.}
You know we mean business.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

p.s. I have my first real live game of intramural frisbee tomorrow. So far I’m 0 in 0. That means I’ve never lost.