Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have you seen my shirt with the red hammers?

Oh, my gosh, I just wanted to tell someone and you were the first one I ran into.
Today is the day that I sold these little suckers. 

Six years ago a friend and I started this awful hobby called we take the tops off soda cans and collect them in these small tin cans. We would go around town just searching for them. We would get pop tops from grocery stores, from airplanes, and from other people’s trash cumulating to a grand total of 10,000 pop tops.  Like I said, it was an awful hobby. And this is just my share.
Twenty-five dollars will never be enough to cover the time and injuries that went into the obscene amount of aluminum that sat in a drawer for five years. Okay, so world's dumbest hobby, but it was hard to let go of the little munchkins cold turkey. Next time warn me before I take up something like professional dumpster diving. K.

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