Hi, it’s me.
I just wanted to let you know.
For those of you who are tired of seeing “breakouts are terrible on your face” on your blog roll.
For those of you who are tired of not scratching your Sara Morrill itch.
That’s good. because the boys are back in town.
Not really. I live in a different town now. duh.
I just wanted to tell you to stand firm. be strong.
I do continue to write in this thing.
I am more overwhelmed than I thought possible.
Not just with school. With bliss.
I am having one of those full-circle nostalgic moments.
sitting in the “Mind and Hearth” coffee shop with one of my best Whitworth buds, Kristin.
I flashed back to the coffee shop dates and
thinking back to the that first week of school when we used to spend our school nights in here.
When she cried with me and held me during my third week of school.
How it seems like eternities since then.
When I came to Whitworth, I never imagined that I would become so close to as many people as I have. The lifelong type. I think I really hit the jackpot this year. I never in my life thought I would be able to be living my life growing and living alongside so many people the way I have. Everyday, I just wait for the excitement of college to die down. I keep thinking that one of these days I will be walking back from class without gleaming from the fact that I get to be living here; but it never does.
I know that in college your life is in fast pace, but I feel like I will never take granted of all the people I have surrounding with me-- sharing our stories, taking late night hikes, bursting into eachother’s rooms at random moments, crying from hysterical laughter at most points during the day. I only wish this sentiment could be put into words.
I just decided for this one moment. In the coffee shop, I would let this blog take priority over the million other things that need to be done.
I wanted to take a moment to commemorate the last three month gap that has not been codified into blogger.com.

oh and,
Happy Birthday Alina!
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