Hi there,
Sometimes it makes me sad that I don’t write for real like I used to.
Admitting it is the first step.
I was folding my socks one morning when I heard some screaming from next door.
I arose from my room to see what was a matter with the clatter.
Emily’s boyfriend flew in from Fairbanks to surprise her. That’s in Alaska.
Micah. He’s such a tool caddy.
A few of us went out do Frank’s Diner because it reminded us of Luke’s Diner from Gilmore Girls. Then, when they had a Star’s Hollow gazebo it was just too much for words, so we took a picture instead.

{Emily, Micah, Sara, Cara}
Then we took Micah to Target because tights were on sale. But we came home with headbands instead. No harm no foul.
Back at the ranch, we’ve been doing a whole lot of bro’in.
There is perpetual studying to be done. Homework to compute. Applications to apply.
After dance today, I went on an adventure with Micah and Emily into town.
They decided to take the typwagpic. (typical wagon picture)

It was only moments later that a small child creeped out of the wagon wheel and asked Emily where her where daughter was.
She told her she didn’t have one. because she didn’t have one.
At this point, we thought we had avoided anything serious.
I mean, things are pretty caj (casual?)
It wouldn’t have been so funny if moments later a man lurked up behind Emily, while she was singing no less and whispered:
“Are you trying to follow me?”
You know when you watch a scary movie,
or you avoid a near death experience,
and for the next little while you feel a little bit shaken?
a little bit sick inside
some might go as far to say a little bit violated.
That’s kind of what it’s like.
In short, that’s one more reason why we love downtown Spokane.
I am excited for:
- ecuador this spring
- warm weather
- my knee to be healed
- outdoor rec leadership
- jubilation performance troop
-dorm davenport date
- summer staff
- meeting my world relief refugees
-groundhog’s day
hot dang.
Happy Valentines Day!
Buy Fair Trade
Sara Nicole
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