Alright so buckle your seatbelts.
Hold on to your helmets.
Scoop up your satchels.
Harness your horses.
This is going to be quite a post.
I know it’s been a while and blah blah blah, but I’ve been a pretty Busy Brenda if you know what I saying.
No, no not with studying. Who are you kidding? Really?
Jan Term has come and gone, and I’m going through mornings of mournings, and evenings too.
Soon it’ll be back to regular human length naps each day.
Wow, I can’t help but thinking what a great month this was, though. It’s such a great time for bonding. The more I learn about Whitworth, the more I realize how great it really is. There is just a spirit of love and security. I love it more exponentially everyday. I just think that it is so essential to be in a place of freedom and unconditional love--a place that drives you to pursue your passions rather than constraining you to a mold. There are some instances where something just clicks, when you instinctually know something is right. Whitworth is definitely one of them.
Anyway as far as what has been going on with me. Sara Nicole Morrill.
I’m still hobbling around on crutches with a maybe torn ACL. I’m still waiting for my doctor, Dr. Bone to call and tell me whether I’ll be needing surgery
Literally, his name is Dr. Bone.
Lucky, for me I have lots of people to take care of me, pick me up when I trip down the stairs, hide ibuprofen in my applesauce. The uje.
The whole thing is more upsetting to me than I put on the face for. I get so much fulfillment from my dance class, tennis, hiking and other things that I haven’t been able to do. One of my best Whitworth friends, Kristin keeps telling me that my knee is God’s way of telling me to slow down. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. It’s such a common theme in my life to measure myself based on the activities that I do and I guess I never realized that until now. hm.
Anyway, this past weekend, I spent the day preparing mealbags for the homeless in Spokane with some people from my dorm. Jeremy Affeltd, the pitcher for the Giants has been sponsoring different Spokane events, and I guess he’s kind of a big deal.
Except, I accidentally called him Jereld at the beginning because I couldn’t see his whole name tag.
Bottom line is, I take any opportunity to sport a hairnet.
It didn’t take long to realize that signing up to be a food scooper meant business.

Later that evening, our dorm had a formal mocktail party called Fenton’s. It was one more of those things that were way more fun that it made sense to have actually been.
Duvall events are great.
Emily tries and sneaks her face into every shot. She jostled her face into this one when she thought I wasn’t looking. Okay man, you will win the battle, but I will win the war.
Not really, good joke though.
{Alden, Emily}
It was one of those nights that I fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning laughing and woke up still laughing.
For Jan Term break, my mom flew up to Spokane and treated me to an MRI with Dr. Bone. Then she and one of my friends, Cherise and I flew down to San Diego to visit my brother and his wife.
My mom flew back to Phoenix to visit some friends and Cherise and I stayed and spent some time in San Diego.
It was just like always.
Maybe better. Maybe worse.
I guess it would depend on who you are. But in our case, it was a whole lot better.
It was, in fact, wonderful to shed some sunlight on this alibino skin that I have developed over these harsh winter months.
For the second part of the trip Cherise’s sister picked us up in San Diego and we drove two hours to where her family and my grandparents lived in Redlands. Cherise wanted to surprise her family so we came up with an elaborate plan. All I really know was that I was a pseudo-exchange student from Korea.

It ended up working like a charm. What a beautiful moment and a beautiful family. The trip truly truly could not have been better. I am so blessed to know such an incredible lady.

Oh, and I fed this llama.

And this micro mini baby goat.

And this pig was diseased.

I don’t like to talk about it.
On a more serious note, it is good to be back to Whitworth. I feel joy radiating out of my body. It’s times like these--when things are coming to an end and new things are beginning, I find myself going back to the place I was as I was leaving high school: so contemplative about life-- so overwhelmingly grateful and nostalgic about the still frames and memories that mull around in my mind. In the rush of school I am so caught up in the things in front of me. I forget to look at the place I am at and how far I am coming. It’s nights like these when my mind starts to wander off to the days of high school. I think I am finally at that point where high school is a memory. Those times stand in my mind only as emotions and feelings rather than details. I’ve barely begun, yet in a way I have come so far. I think about how different things are now realizing that today too, will someday be a memory. It’s a sentiment I have thought back to at so many times in my life-- simply put, how quickly things really are changing.
Oh, and I’m a working girl now. No, that’s not a euphanism. I have a real live Whitworth job. Basically, I get to hang out with prospective freshman for the day, showing them around campus and why I love it here so much. And to think that that was me only one year ago. hmmm.
I couldn’t be more excited about classes tomorrow.
One more thing. Fire drills seem to follow me wherever I go. Yep, you guessed it. That’s three 3:30 AM fire drills. I have a dream that one day freshman girls will be able to pop popcorn without burning down the building.
I haven’t checked the weather yet, but I forsee a great semester.
And as always,
Keep it Real
Sara Nicole