Hey, remember me?
It's been, what, 6 months?! That's like forever in puppy years!
Plus blogging is soooo 6 months ago. Until now.

I have had quite a few friends ask me if I was going to keep a travel blog when I went to Chile so I decided to dust off the old the Sara Morrill: the blog so that my friends and family can have a little taste of my life away. I figured it's been with me since my baby high school years, as much as it makes me laugh to go back and look with it. I won't be able to give you the whole enchilada of my next semester. Nope, no. It'll be more of the side of rice and Mexican potato patty kind of blog. I intend to live my life rather than record it. I'm not a writer or a photographer in any real sense. That's not my intent. I hope at the very least I can let the people I love in some small way feel a part of my experiences.
I've kept myself pretty busy since the school year began. Keeping in mind the potato patty thing again, I'll give you the cliff notes travel brochure version.
I started the year off roadtripping 1400 miles up to school and then rafting through the Montana alpine with some Whitworth buds:

I spent most of my semester with some beautiful new friends.

{not all pictured}
I got to co-lead a few Whitworth Outdoor Rec trips:
and go on some local-flavored adventures with some of my best good friends:
I debuted as pregnant Mary in a Spanish nativity play:

painted up San Francisco on my brother's new motorcycle:

{literally the most attractive photo either one of us have ever taken. ever.}
spent Christmas at the beach:

Jan term RA'd back in my beloved Duvall:

{Duvall RA team}
watched the sun rise over the Grand Canyon with wonderful company:

danced with K-dawg and the birds on Mission Beach:

well, you get the idea.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I have two more weeks of being a college drop-out. Chile has been this concept in the back of my mind for so long and it's finally almost here! It was on a whim, really, that I decided to drop all classes and enroll in an unknown program. I have no expectations. No agenda.
I have an overwhelming sense that big things are waiting for me. I was just telling my brother how I felt so compelled toward this new season in my life. There is a time to acquire knowledge, push your limits mentally and spiritually, and challenge your knowledge. But then, there is a far more important time where you apply all that knowledge and really really live. I thank God for the professors and mentors that completely blew my mind on a daily basis over the last semester. I hope the next 6 months in Chile will be a time that I can apply all that I have learned, live in a way that is authentic and deliberate--live in the now, rather than stumbling through a semester fixated in whats to come. I hope that I might refocus on things bigger than the next assignment I have to turn in--that I might just pray and journal and love and see beautiful things. And that's all I have to say about that. Stay tuned!
Keep it Real
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