Today began with asleep Nicole accidentally holding my hand and whispering in my ear.
And ended with a dead javelina.
In the middle of stressful times and everything that is going on in my crazy life, I am so glad I have my best friend.
Who loves sushi and raving more than the average bear.
Who makes better zuchini bread than Sara Lee and better kabobs than Bubba.
Whose hair turns clear in soft tones and nose grows worms in comic books.
Who will be a dog-owner, a baker, a singer, billionaire and carnie, I mean Carnival Cruise model.
Who goes out of her way to do things for nothing in return and is always there no matter what.
Like C.S. Lewis once said, “knowing you is like a small taste of heaven."
I love you more than words can say. It’s hard to imagine what life will be without you in my life everyday.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole
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