Friday, December 10, 2010

Zow zow dot com

You’ve probably already heard, but just in case.
I won the ugly Christmas sweater contest.
I’ll say it now, and I’ll say it again.
I have a knack for winning competitions that don’t really advance me in life.
The thing is, it wasn’t even my sweater.

Like I said before, there’s a Christmas event pretty much every day.
For example:
One night a friend and I decided to meander over to this event in Arend where they decorate everything and reenact Christmas scenes in their dorm rooms.
What could be better than congregating hundreds of college students and their raging hormones into a dorm room?
It was almost like making new friends.

In other news this weekend I:

got my real first taste of winter skiing

danced Japanese hip hop with 600 high schoolers… and these guys

crammed nine people into my small group leader’s 5 passenger Isuzu
{picture not available}
It was the cost of discipleship. hahaha. ha.

and got my picture with this guy.
so typical.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Meerd Asian Wheels

We’re all going insane.

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because we go to Saga and
our dinners consist of zuchinni, tater tots, eggs, peanut butter and a jalepeƱo.
or something of equal value.

It’s probably just because we are getting antsy pantsy for Christmas.
At least everyone I know.
It’s just that when you are attending 15 Christmas events a week you can’t really help it.
like I said, when in Rome.
Not to mention, one day it just started snowing and it never stopped.
Which means many Whitworth students have gone into clothing hibernation
meaning: sweatshirts, sweatpants, ugg boots, slippers,

and whatever else your mom never wanted you to wear to school.
Hey. Keep your mind out of the gutter.

Meanwhile, we can’t help but get into the Christmas spirit.
by placing random items daily in one another’s sock stockings
singing Spanish Christmas songs about "burrito sabaneros”
which as it turns out means donkey, not spicy burrito. dag nabbit.
and serenading one anther to Glee’s Christmas album
and Frank Sinatra.
He’s so dreamy.

Now with the semester almost over.
and finals looming over our heads
you will probably find us sitting peacefully by the fire
sipping bailey’s from sippy cups.
Feel free to join us.

Keep it Real
Sara Nicole